Learning the Nitouryu skills


Heiho Niten Ichiryu Training courses

These are the training lists of Heiho niten ichiryu at Shouyou-kan . Some trainings are introduced in movies.
If you are interested in training details, please come and visit us.

Breathing method

  1. Ten-Ijikido
  2. Kissaki-gaeshi
  3. Onmyo Kousa
  4. Ryusui


Gohou no Kamae

  1. Chudan
  2. Joudan
  3. Gedan
  4. Hidari Waki-gamae
  5. Migi Waki-gamae

Basic techniques

  1. Tate Nuki-uchi
  2. Yoko Nuki-uchi
  3. Kiriage
  4. Renzoku Shoumen-giri
  5. Sayu Kesa-giri
  6. Renzoku Kiri-age Kiri-kaesi
  7. Sessiki Tobitigai Shoumen-giri

Battou eight techniques

  1. Nuki-uchi Sen-no-sen
  2. Yoko Nuki-uchi Kesa-giri
  3. Sha-ken Tobi-chigai
  4. Kami-no-tachi
  5. Sayu Kesa-giri
  6. Hidari Uke-nagashi Tai-otoshi
  7. Migi Uke-nagashi Hidari Osaekomi
  8. Nuki-uchi Migi Kesa-giri Hidari Tsuki-dome

Seiho Ittou-no-Tachi twelve techiques

  1. Yubisaki
  2. Hassou Hidari
  3. Hassou Migi
  4. Uke-nagashi Hidari
  5. Uke-nagashi Migi
  6. Nejiri-gamae
  7. Haritsuki
  8. Nagashi-uchi
  9. Tora-huri
  10. Suki
  11. Aisaki Uchi-dome
  12. Kawashi-uchi

Seiho Nitou Aikuchi(Mu-gamae no Kamae) fourtees techniques

Kiri-sashi five techniques

  1. Kiri-sashi Uchi-dome
  2. Kiri-sashi Harai-giri
  3. Ichi-hyoushi Soto-barai
  4. Ichi-hyoushi Uchi-barai
  5. Ryusui Uchi-dome

Sikkou(Glue) five techniques

  1. Sikkou-no-Tsuki Hidari
  2. Sikkou-no-Tsuki Migi
  3. Irimi
  4. Sekka-no-Uchi
  5. Juuji Shuukou-no-mi

Ougi(mystery) four techniques

  1. Ichi-hyoushi
  2. Ni-no-koshi
  3. Ryusui
  4. Momiji

Seihou Gohou-no-tachi five techniques

  1. Chuudan
  2. Joudan
  3. Gedan
  4. Hidari Waki-gamae
  5. Migi Waki-gamae


  • Heiho Niten Ichiryu Jikido-tai
  • Jissou Enman-no-Heiho
  • Gan-no-mi
  • Banri Ikkuu

見学依頼等、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 TEL 080-6418-2864 shouyoukan@gmail.com

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